Section: Software and Platforms

Web services

Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

This year after a first prototyping of web service where each one of our algorithm was deployed on it's own server, we decided to develop a second version more centralized and named Al|Go. Al|Go was designed, developed and deployed in order to save resources unnecessarily locked and painful maintenance tasks.

Available at http://allgo.irisa.fr , Al|Go currently host five TexMex web services (Samusa, Otis, Termex, Nero, VidSeg).

Al|Go infrastructure is based on the Ruby On Rails (ROR) framework for the web "frontoffice" part. ROR enable to create and run task with an HTML or XML, JSON API. SideKiq schedule each job on several nodes. Finally, thanks to the new linux container technology named Docker, applications are configured and deployed on agnostic nodes, inside their container. Container must be seen as very light virtual machine. All our application are stored in a private registry. Data are shared with the NFS protocol. A automation software named Puppet manage infrastructure throughout its lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and reporting.